Solution for lameness in cattle

For 15 years, Biodevas Laboratoires has been specialising in 100% natural products (with no two products the same or synthetic) for animal nutrition and health. With its unique know-how in the extraction of natural active ingredients and synergistic association, Biodevas Laboratoires offers stakeholders in the animal sectors (ruminants, poultry, swine, petcare and equine) an innovative range of phytogenic solutions which regulate intracellular biochemical mechanisms.
Biodevas supports its partners in the implementation of both performance optimisation strategies (growth and feed conversion ration etc.) and demedication strategies (immune stimulation and the management of inflammatory conditions and the pulmonary, digestive and urogenital spheres etc.) thanks to the support of recognised experts.
By devoting 10% of its turnover to R&D, Biodevas ensures its partners have efficient, profitable and science-based products. Present in over 20 countries around the world, Biodevas is certified to ISO 22000 and GMP+.
Solution for lameness in cattle
Solution for lameness in sheep
Immune system and liver function
Drying up differently
Balance of the gut microbiota
Management of internal parasites
Optimises growth
Urinary comfort for sheep
Provide lung comfort
Overall breeding performance
Balance of the gut microbiota
Balance of the gut microbiota
The red mite solution
Management of internal parasites
Manages periods of stress
Eggshell quality
The first natural xenobinder to secure feed
Natural growth promoter
Provide lung comfort
Hyperprolificity: facilitating farrowing and lactation for better weaning
The first natural xenobinder to secure feed
Enable complementary management of internal parasitism
A balanced gut microbiota to optimise performance
The first natural xenobinder to secure feed
Well-being of the joints
Management of stressful periods
Maintenance good health and vitality
Management of nutritional balance
Urinary comfort
Maintains the general health
Assists the draining functions
For coping with the peripartum period
For coping with periods of stress
Stimulates both the innate and acquired immune systems
Manages respiratory comfort