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PIETIX produces new results

Mortellaro’s disease, better known as digital dermatitis, a major cause of culling in dairy farming, affects two-thirds of farms in France and its impact is often underestimated.

Today, the traditional methods for treating digital dermatitis often involve foot baths or spraying, which remain restrictive for farmers.

To limit losses in farming and improve animal welfare, Biodevas Laboratoires has developed PIETIX, a patented complementary feed which, when incorporated into a feed or mineral, limits the occurrence of new cases and boosts livestock mobility.

Its unique mode of action – managing oxidative stress and pain while stimulating the animal’s natural defences – reduces pressure and improves animal welfare.

The PIETIX solution has been on the market for over 10 years and continues to prove its worth, as evidenced by the latest two trials to be conducted between 2023 and 2024:

Farm 1Farm 2
195 Prim’Holstein dairy cows
Buildings: 240 stalls
Milking equipment: four DELAVAL robots
84 dairy cows
Buildings: stalls
Milking equipment: 2X8 milking parlour
Distribution protocol:
10 g / cow / day from July 2023 to the end of January 2024 by incorporating into the mineral in the plant
Distribution protocol:
10 g / cow / day from November 2023 to April 2024 by incorporating into the feed in the plant

Farm 1:

Forty-two per cent reduction in the number of dairy cows with a digital dermatitis lesion in seven months.

Farmer’s observations:

  • Fewer painful lesions.
  • No new cases and remaining small dermatitis lesions heal easily.
  • Better cow mobility in the building, despite the fact that cows are kept for a long time at the end of lactation.

Farm 2:

76% reduction in the number of dairy cows with a digital dermatitis lesion.

75.76% reduction in lesions in five months.

Farmer’s observations:

  • Remaining lesions are less painful and dry up.
  • Better cow mobility in the building compared to previous winters.

All the results of these trials are available on request. Feel free to contact us by clicking here.

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In the category : Animals, Innovation, Ruminants